Macomb Guild of Writers and the Macomb Community College Writing Group

29 October 2010

Halloween Open Mic Night At Macomb Community College

I thought I'd post a couple clips of two talented writing group members reading at the Macomb Community College event given by Student Life and Leadership in P building on Thursday, 28 October, 2010.

This first video is of Milica Jokanovic, a new member of the writing group and Macomb Guild of Writers, slamming one of her pieces at the open mic night. She has a captivating style; I'd highly recommend checking this one out.

This next video is a clip of Brooke Kelley, another talented member, reading two of her pieces (one of which is published in our latest Half Book). She also put a plug in for our 9 November 2010 event before her read, so hats off to this unique and talented lady! We're happy to have her in our club.


As well as an open mic contest, there was a costume contest, pumpkin painting, and free pizza and soda at the event. Below is a photo of the pumpkin painting table.

26 October 2010

SPOTLIGHT: Professor Clark Iverson

Quote from President Jenifer DeBellis:
"Professor Clark Iverson, aka Professor Top Hat, was a natural choice for faculty advisor when the founding officers were developing MCC's Writing Club. His commitment and interaction within this organization have contributed to the overall success of the club. Whether he is leading a writing exercise during a meeting, contributing to the open discussions, or simply counseling the officers behind the scenes, his guidance and contributions are highly valued. Professor Iverson is an invaluable asset to this discourse community."

Q: Officially, you are the faculty advisor to the writing group at Macomb Community College. What does that mean to you?

Part of what it means is simply bureaucratic. Beyond that, it means an opportunity for advice and mentoring, since the writing club converges with my area of professional expertise.

Q: What happened on the day Cathy approached you with the idea of writing group?

I cannot remember the details clearly, but I remember being happy about it.

Q: Members who may not have otherwise been published have been featured in other publications along with the Half Books. How does this make you feel, and what do you think it says about the writing group?

I am very pleased that those members are getting the experience, beyond the creative practice, of submitting their pieces. Also, the production of the Half Books is just a marvelously inspired project. It tells me that the group is very healthy and that the movers and shakers within it are remarkably self-motivated. It all makes me feel enraged. No, wait. It all makes me feel happy for the young people becoming active in the artistic community, and at times a tiny bit proud.

Q: You're an admired professor here on campus. What's the best part of your job? The worst part? Would you recommend teaching as a career?

The best part of my job is simply the teaching. That is why I wanted to be at a community college instead of a university, where research and the publish-or-perish rat race take priority. I believe in undergraduate teaching, and that’s what I like. Within that practice, I like students who listen to me and work hard. 

The worst part is dealing with plagiarism. I regard it as a betrayal of learning and as something that ultimately harms civilization.

As for recommending teaching as a career, the answer is a qualified yes. It’s not for everybody, and you certainly don’t become an educator in order to get rich. For those who love ideas and who want a more thoughtful world, it’s a good profession.

Q: The other day I was in a class that shall not be named for purposes of keeping my reputation intact and a fellow student who took a class of yours referred to you as "The Top Hat Guy." How do you feel about this label?

I think the label is a little silly, but it doesn’t bother me. What concerns me more is that a student took a class from me yet afterwards still focused on my attire instead of ideas from the course.

Q: What inspires you?

Inspiration comes from a constantly shifting cornucopia. At the moment I’ll limit the list to Gluttony, Rage, Lust, Sloth, Envy, Pride, and Avarice.

Q; Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? Advice for anyone who aspires to something?

Yes to both.
To aspiring writers: pay your dues. Write a lot. Be good readers. Care more about your craft than about getting your feelings validated. Stick with it.
To anyone: the learning never stops. You aren’t out of the woods yet, so enjoy the woods. 

Flash! Fiction.

The Individual Elements Prompt/Flash Fiction Exercise we introduced at the last meeting will be a learning experience for you writers.

You must remember that with only 150 words to spare - you do not have the time to introduce everything and everyone. It is acceptable to start in the middle of the action/scenario.

You must include the elements we voted on at the meeting - - -

Characters: Female Acrobat, Male Detective, Male Poet
Setting/Environment: Cruise Ship
Foil: Holiday

If you have any questions, any of the board members would be happy to answer them. My email is zavichl@aol.com

Get writing.

20 October 2010

Creative Reading Photos Courtesy of Leigh C. Grant

Leigh C. Grant, a professor at Macomb Community College, was our feature reader.