Macomb Guild of Writers and the Macomb Community College Writing Group

26 October 2010

Flash! Fiction.

The Individual Elements Prompt/Flash Fiction Exercise we introduced at the last meeting will be a learning experience for you writers.

You must remember that with only 150 words to spare - you do not have the time to introduce everything and everyone. It is acceptable to start in the middle of the action/scenario.

You must include the elements we voted on at the meeting - - -

Characters: Female Acrobat, Male Detective, Male Poet
Setting/Environment: Cruise Ship
Foil: Holiday

If you have any questions, any of the board members would be happy to answer them. My email is zavichl@aol.com

Get writing.

1 comment:

  1. Here's my attempt: Writer's Block

    A detective and an acrobat walked into a bar, where they met a poet.

    “This cruise sucks,” the poet said before ordering another shot of Wild Turkey.

    “It’s not that bad,” replied the acrobat while balancing awkwardly on her barstool.

    “I disagree with both of you,” the detective snorted, condescendingly. “There’s been a murder on this ship.”

    “Oh, no!” cried the acrobat before contorting herself into another awkward position. “I hope no one’s hurt.”

    The detective’s hairline rose as he lifted his eyebrow. “Rodrigo, the cabana boy, tripped and fell on the artificial tree out on the Lido Deck.”

    “Is he okay?”

    “Did you stretch yourself stupid, Acrobat?” The detective waved his empty glass. “Another whiskey sour.”

    The limber lady, confused and insulted, somersaulted away.

    The poet looked at his empty shot glass.

    “What’s in this stuff?” he asked the bartender, bewildered, before taking out his pen and paper.
